A Prayer to Model Quiet Time for Kids - Your Daily Prayer - June 5

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 A Prayer to Model Quiet Time for Kids
By Emily Rose Massey

“Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually!” - 1 Chronicles 16:11

As I have grown older, I have gained an appreciation for early mornings. I enjoy waking up before my family, pouring a hot cup of matcha, and sitting down next to my fireplace. I sit quietly, listen to the bird's morning songs, and open my Bible. I have several devotionals that I rotate through online and in book form. 

I have a notebook for prayer journaling and a list of friends and family to pray for. Every day looks a little different, but one thing that stays consistent is that my family wakes up to me and my Bible every day. Some days, it doesn’t happen, such as when the company is staying at our house or when a busy activity is early in the morning. However, one thing I strive for is consistency. I long for my kids to have their own quiet time with the Lord, but for me to expect that, I need to model it for them. 

Time with God is personal. It does not need to be in the morning, it could be mid-day or before bed. When we spend time alone with the Lord, we create a space for Him to speak to us. It could be through His word, prayer, silence, or time in nature. God also speaks through other people or things that we read. His ability to communicate with us is boundless, and we need to be open to hearing His voice and obeying His callings. 

Don't be discouraged if setting aside time for God seems overwhelming and impossible. Start praying about God opening up moments in your day for Him. Ask for creativity. This might even be listening to worship music in the car, devotionals, or podcasts that speak His truth. The important thing is making room for Him in places and spaces that your kids will see.

Talk to your kids about the importance of time with God and give them resources to help them. The Bible can be intimidating, but books, devotionals, and journals can help shape their time with God. There are many resources aimed at kids and their differing personalities. Pray for God to show you what each child needs. Encourage them to spend five minutes with God each day, whenever and whatever that looks like for them. As they get older, they will develop their own habits and preferences for this space. 

Let’s pray:

Lord, I long for my children to know you. I long for them to have a heart that loves you and desires to live in your will. Please help me model in my life what it looks like to be a follower of you. Help me create a space in my heart, mind, and home for me to spend time with you and show my kids what it looks like. I can’t expect anything from them that I am unwilling to do myself.

Please help me be a safe place for my kids as they journey in their faith. I want them to know that it is okay to ask questions and to seek truth. Give me creativity for the resources that will resonate with each of them. What works for one might not work for the other. I pray that my life can be the example of Jesus they need. I want them to grow up and remember a mom (parent) who loves you and makes room in my life for you to speak. I long to obey you in my calling as a parent and want to do all that I can to help my children grow to love you.

Thank you, Jesus, for my children. Protect them in all that they do. Shape them into who you have called them to be. Please show me how I can be you to them in this broken and fallen world. Lead, guide, and show me all I need to know as a parent. Thank you for the incredible privilege of parenting these precious hearts.
In your loving name, Jesus, we pray, amen

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/pcess609

headshot of Emily MasseyEmily Massey began writing short stories and poetry as a little girl, entered the blogging world in her early 20s, and published her first book in 2015. She enjoys being a stay-at-home momma while still being able to pursue her passion as a writer. Believing she has been forgiven much, she loves much, and desires to point others to Christ and His redemptive and transforming power, especially by sharing truth found in God’s written Word. If you would like to connect with Emily, you can visit www.emilyrosemassey.com

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