A Prayer for Unbelievers
By Emma Danzey
2 Peter 3:9-10 says, “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief; on that day the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, the elements will burn and be dissolved, and the earth and the works on it will be disclosed.”
I love how these verses share the heart of God. He does not delay His promise. He is so patient. He does not want anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance. This is the heart of the Creator, this is the message of the Father’s love. Often people try to separate God the Father from Jesus as difficult and almost mean in judgment. However, it is very clear throughout the Bible that it is God who loves the world, and He made a plan of redemption. However, not everyone accepts Him, and there is a lot of evil in the world, and like a good parent, He has to deal with it.
These verses remind us of the sense of urgency we should have because He will come unexpectedly. As we are surrounded by loved ones, co-workers, and strangers who do not have Jesus in their hearts, may this be a reminder for us to pray boldly for them and to speak up and share the gospel in authentic ways while we have the time. One of the most powerful ways we can minister to them is by prayer. Let’s take time today to lift up those we are burdened for to know Christ.
Let's Pray:
Dear Lord,
You know who is on our hearts today. We name out these people before you who have not accepted You as Savior… Jesus, would you reveal Yourself to them in fresh ways? Would you break the chains in their lives and set them free from the burden and bondage of sin? Would you open their eyes to their personal need for forgiveness and a Savior? Would you remove the voices that go against Your truth and replace them with the words of Your love and hope from the Bible? Protect them from the continuous attacks of the enemy to hold them to his eternal destiny. Father, we plead that you would change their eternal trajectory and that they would be in heaven with us one day. We cannot force the gospel on them, we entrust them to Your loving care.
Would you please give us the Spirit of confidence and faith as we share Your love and Your resurrection power? Help us to know that You are working behind the scenes. Would You please move the barriers that are holding them from fully accepting You? Break down the lies of the enemy, tear apart shame in their lives from their past decisions, remove their pride in wanting to earn salvation, and help them to approach Your throne of grace humbly.
Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Give them the audacity to approach Your throne of grace knowing that You, Jesus died for them.
For any damage that has been done in their spiritual walk by believers or the church, please help them not to judge You based on the actions of sinners. We pray for healing in these areas and that they would not be held back from a future with You because of misrepresentation, deceit, or legalism. Help them to know the truth and help it to set them free.
We pray especially for those who we are closest with and have tried to share before. God, it is very difficult to know what to do to reach them or how to approach spiritual conversations. Guide us by Your Holy Spirit in how to lovingly talk about spiritual things and eternal life. Show up in ways that only You can. Reveal Your hope and peace with them, and we pray that You would help us not to give up praying on their behalf. Amen.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Fizkes
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