How You Can Plan for Spiritual Success - Senior Living - May 16

How you can plan for spiritual success

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…. - 1 Peter 3:15

When Rosina Hernandez was in college, she saw a young man beaten. She could have stopped the attack, but decided not to get involved. She was heartbroken to later hear that the young man had died from the wounds he had sustained during the attack.

Years later, Rosina witnessed another catastrophe when a car driving ahead of her skidded off the road, flew over a causeway, and plunged into the water below. In a moment, a woman appeared at the surface screaming that her husband was stuck inside.

Rosina didn’t wait. She plunged into the water and beat on the back window of the car, even screaming at some bystanders to get involved. Together, she and others broke the glass and saved the man in the sinking car. Rosina recounted that she promised herself to never again fail to do whatever she could to save a human life. She made good on her promise!

Most people don’t plan to fail, but they often fail to plan. They don’t think about the situations they might encounter and how they’ll react if put on the spot. But when it comes to your faith, it’s crucial to plan to stand up and take action when called upon. Don’t leave the work of the Christian life to others. Plan for action!

Prayer Challenge

Pray and ask God to live with readiness in the spiritual life and not to be content with only letting others take action.

Questions for Thought

Can you think of a time when you shrunk back spiritually instead of being bold? How did you feel afterward?

How can you ready yourself to share the truth of Christ at a moment’s notice if someone were to ask?

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