Pearls of Grace - October 4

October 4

God Never Needs A Nap

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable."

Isaiah 40:28

As a young mother of two little girls, working a full time job, serving in my church and striving to be a keeper of the home, there were days when I was just spent. Every woman can identify with feeling overwhelmed, overworked and under-appreciated. At the end of an already long day, it’s difficult to find joy and the energy you so desperately need to keep going; to wash that load of dishes; bake those cupcakes for the big class party; give the kids a bath; pick up the living room; put that load of laundry in the dryer so those "I’ve got to wear those jeans tomorrow or I’ll die" will be dry; return that phone call, check book bags; finally feed the dog whose been patiently waiting and still do your Bible study before crawling into the bed! I remember those days!

Although raising my girls was the delight of my life, there were nights when I cried myself to sleep because of exhaustion and feeling like such a failure. I would look at those sweet babies fast asleep in their beds and think to myself; I don’t want to fail you as a mother. They were my heart and I was determined to be the mother I thought God wanted me to be. But how was I going to do that was something God had to teach me along the way.

I discovered in the midst of many late nights, in those hours when normal people are sleeping and you’re not, that God never slept. I was so desperate for rest this particular night but I still had some studying and writing to do and I had completely hit the wall of my energy. I cried the words, "Father, I have so much work to finish, I’m so tired and I’m not sleeping". In that hour of desperation He whispered to my weary soul, "neither am I". It was as if God scooped my very life up and cradled my soul for just a while. It was God’s lullaby of assurance for a young mother’s heart that had lost its song among the noise of a busy life. Somehow, as only He can do, I found rest in knowing that He was not resting. His constant was my strength and I knew I would make it.

Wherever you are in your life now; whether you are raising babies, studying for finals at college, chasing grandbabies or tending to an aging spouse or parent, God is near and He takes no rest. He is an ever present help and He is never absent from our struggles and burdens of life. When you feel like you are not going to make it another day, don’t quit…instead start again…and again…and again…and in the morning light, thank God for another day to start again. He is with you all the way and He takes no rest.

Hear the lullaby of Heaven and take rest in THE sweetness of its song.

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Pearls of Grace Devotional Book

Pearls of Grace is a book of devotions for the entire year, including a read through the Bible in a year calendar, broken down for every day. Beautifully written with encouraging words of hope and empowering words of joy and strength for every woman. Pam draws from the truth and richness of God's Word and gives real life examples in her down to earth style. A must have in your library, click here for more information.

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