Pearls of Grace - October 16

October 16

The Pathway to Godlessness

"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes."

Judges 21:25

The nation of Israel had finally entered into the Land God had promised to Abraham. They encountered giants in the land and won their land battle by battle against the fiercest of enemies. But God was faithful to deliver them, just as He had promised. In one battle, the moon stooped and the sun even stood still until Israel had avenged themselves of their enemies. Finally peace came into the land and in time there arose a new generation of Jews, a generation that did not know war and that did not know the Lord God Who had given them their land. How does a nation go from seeing such mighty miracles such as the parting of the Red Sea, Manna from Heaven, water from a rock, a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night turn away from the Living God? The same as any nation, because the pathway to Godlessness is the same, it’s a destructive cycle that you and I might find familiar in our own generation.

In the book of Judges we see a pattern, a death cycle that kept turning and turning until God had no choice but to bring about judgment. It’s the three deadly A’s; Apathy, Apostasy and Anarchy. It began with the attitude of Apathy; an attitude that takes no responsibility, allows another to worry over it, the "that’s not my problem" syndrome. Apathy doesn’t want to get involved because it simply doesn’t see it as a problem or doesn’t care. Apathy never wants to take responsibility for anything. But Apathy, left unchecked will fall into Apostasy; turning away from what you know to be right.

What once was believed to be truth is now being forsaken, now being turned away from, abandonment of faith. Apostasy never begins the cycle beloved; Apathy is always the leader of the pack. What we think is a harmless attitude will take us down a path that we never imagined we would take. A lack of acceptance of responsibility will lead to a lack of embrace! We will turn away from that which we put no merit in, that which we are take no responsibility for, what we are not willing to fight for. Apathy will always give birth to Apostasy on any level, our faith, our work ethics, our relationships, our integrity etc. It’s a dangerous cycle that sad to say if not repented of will lead to the third and final step of destruction; Anarchy.

This is where the Nation of Israel was at; "and everyone did what was right in their own eyes". Anarchy is just that precious one, everyone doing what is right in their own eyes. There is no longer any absolutes, no morals, no precepts to align one’s life to. It’s a justification of sin because after all; aren’t we free to choose? Anarchy takes advantage of freedom by embracing the "anything goes" mentality. Anarchy doesn’t have to answer to anyone, it makes up its own rules and it has no conscience of God.

When we let our guards down, when we do not deal with attitudes that are not pleasing to God, they will lead down the path of Godlessness. Godlessness beloved has one fruit: judgment. God will deal with us accordingly just as He did His beloved people of Israel. Do you have any of these characters present in your life? Have you seen any correlation to the country, the day in which you live? Then see also the consequences that will follow and make your heart ready before God dear friend. Repent and restore what is not aligned to Him. God’s heart is always to forgive and to restore.

Search My Heart That I May Be Right With Thee

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