Pearls of Grace - November 11

November 11

The Sweet Aroma of Abandon

"And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining at the table in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume, and standing behind Him at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head, and kissing His feet and anointing them with the perfume."

Luke 7:37-38

This woman is my hero! Every time I read of this encounter my heart cries out for her because she sought forgiveness at any cost. This was a woman who was truly remorseful over her sin. She knew she needed forgiveness and she knew that there was only one place to find it and it was at the feet of Jesus Christ. She had no fear of what others would think and she did not care what it cost her. All pride was stripped away and only desperation was left. The cry of the sinful heart to be made right with God is a sweet aroma when it is poured out at His feet. This act of desperation was so powerful that it permeated the room where she was and it is this very act that became the anointing of Jesus. This scene of sheer abandonment unveils for us the beauty of forgiveness and desperation of confession. It was her desperation that drew her to His feet and Jesus knew this. He will never turn the desperate soul away that falls in sweet surrender before Him.

We read that she did not come empty handed to Jesus; she brought an alabaster vial of perfume. I believe this perfume was symbolic of her sin, as well as, her heart for Jesus. This is why she came with tears; she recognized not only her need for forgiveness but, her need for Jesus. This was not a joyful anointing! It was an act of sorrow, an act of bowing low, a heart seeking forgiveness. She was a woman who was remorseful of her sins. In this one act of surrender, she was laying down her stained garments, the filthy rags of her sinful life.

Confession is giving it to the Lord fully with no restraints, no excuses, no blaming; its spilling it out before Him at His feet of mercy. It’s trusting in Him for forgiveness. She knew that He could forgive her and she believed that He would! Many times we don’t believe the Lord will forgive us! We believe that He can, but we don’t believe that He will or that He has. He has a heart to forgive. This woman fell at Jesus Feet without reservation and poured out all her sin before Him in absolute brokenness and sorrow. You and I have the same privilege today, beloved; no matter how grave the sin, no matter how bad we’ve blown it. The response will be the same today as it was over two thousand years ago; "Your sins are forgiven thee…your faith has saved you, go in peace".

Our life should not be based upon whether people forgive us or even if we forgive ourselves, but it should be based upon the knowledge and belief that He has forgiven us. This is when guilt flees and peace floods in. Are there sins today that you have bottled up in the alabaster of guilt and shame or even rebellion ? Know that He’s waiting, seated on the throne, for you to come to Him and pour it out there before the One Who has loved you with an everlasting love. He will not turn you away nor will He withhold forgiveness from you.

Find my abandonment as a sweet offering before thee.

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