Pearls of Grace - November 1

November 1

The Living Word

"For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe".

I Thessalonians 2:13

People can be great challenges causing great conflict in our lives and then at other times seem as though they were taken right out of heaven and put in your life. Good or bad, difficult or easy, heartbreaking or joyous, people will come into our lives some for only a season others for a lifetime. Make no mistake about it beloved, regardless of the length of their stay, even if only in passing, they all have their purpose for crossing our paths. There are no accidents with God and I am a firm believer, based upon God’s Word, in His divine appointments for our lives. Whether it’s a difficult co-worker, a nosey neighbor, an exhausting church member, an unfriendly cashier, a mean postman or a brash secretary, each and every one serve a purpose, have a reason for having contact in our lives. Our job is not to choose them and decide which ones to get rid of or which ones to put on our "don’t be nice to" list.

God is fully in control and is working all things out for His good and for His glory. Believing that we can trust Him, we are to thank Him for every person asking Him to give you more of Him in your life through them. Some of the greatest lessons God has ever taught me has been through challenging people. Being a student of God’s Word, I have learned that with every new truth, every baby step God gives me in my Christian growth, He will create an environment in which I can choose to apply it. Growth doesn’t come by studying God’s Word alone, beloved, but it comes when we take those truths and live them out in flesh and blood in our everyday lives. God reveals truth to us in order to transform our minds, our very lives and shape our heart in the likeness of His own. And in order for Him to do that He will put others into our life that will give us the opportunity to see the power and realness of His Word in action. Why does He do this beloved? Because God’s Word is active and living then it’s not dead words and certainly not ordinary words but supernatural ones given by God Himself!

Are you battling with a relationship, a person that is a challenge to your faith, to your Christian character? I understand! We all have them, but with each comes an opportunity to take the truth of God’s Word and let it live in us! If God’s Word is living, precious one, and it is, then let it live; let it come alive in your life so others, no matter who they are, may see the life and richness of God’s Word.

Word of God live in me.

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Pearls of Grace Devotional Book

Pearls of Grace is a book of devotions for the entire year, including a read through the Bible in a year calendar, broken down for every day. Beautifully written with encouraging words of hope and empowering words of joy and strength for every woman. Pam draws from the truth and richness of God's Word and gives real life examples in her down to earth style. A must have in your library, click here for more information.

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