Pearls of Grace - July 10

July 10

The Dig for Evil

“An ungodly man diggeth  up evil: and in  his lips there is as a burning fire. A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer  separateth  chief  friends.”

Proverbs 16:27-28 (KJV)

Ungodliness will take great strides in pursuing evil for it desires no good thing.  Although evil is always opportune it must be sought after, chosen, for it is “dug up.”   Many lives have been destroyed by the hands of those who have put forth their efforts to the shovel of the past hoping to unearth some stain, some failure, fact, rumor, or little bit of knowledge that will shatter the life of another.   There is no one who has been given the authority to search the past of another in order to condemn.   God is the One who searches, who tries the heart, who knows the secrets found within.  Only the One who holds our future can lay bare the ruins of our past.   Only the righteous Judge Himself has the authority to condemn, and He has given that privilege to no one else.

Digging is for personal gain, it is calculating and purposeful in its mark, and once evil is revealed, lives are laid waste as the spoils of hunting are spent.  Have you ever set out on a “dig”, beloved, a “dig” in search of knowledge that would destroy another?  Have you ever taken part in spending the spoils from another’s “dig” to hurt, damage, or inflict pain?  This is evil in the eyes of the Lord.  Words upon the lips of the evil are a destructive fire that will burn until everything in its path is destroyed.   Fire has an insatiable appetite that can never be satisfied, and once unleashed is almost impossible to harness.

If you’ve ever been a victim of the “dig”, then you understand the depth and travesty that can follow you all the days of your life.  You can spend 50 years with a spotless testimony and people will not remember it, but blow it one time in word or deed, or have someone speak ill of you to another, and they will never forget it.  Why?  Because the heart of man is prone to destructive vices, and words are a forceful weapon.  They are powerful, beloved, powerful to build up and powerful to tear down.  Words linger within  your heart and influence your mind long after they are spoken.   Words are “sown” because there is an expected harvest in the future.  Words, whether good or bad, will reap a fruit in its season.

We would be wise to heed the words; “Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little lips what you say, for the Father up above is looking down in love.”  Be careful, beloved.  Take no part in the “dig” or in the spoils discovered therein.  Speak the language of grace today.

Make me a life giver in word and in deed.

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