Pearls of Grace - January 29

January 29

Uniquely Woman

"And the LORD God fashioned into a woman, the rib which He had taken from man..."

Genesis 2:22

What a wonder you are! Uniquely woman because you are God’s design and none other compares to you. He saved you as a crown of beauty to His already spectacular creation. When He designed you He imprinted Himself into your being, a holy impression of the Lord and all that He is. You are the picture of Him to the world; you are the revelation of all that God is. Every word you speak, every thought you entertain or word you allow your ears to receive; each place you journey to, all things you set your mind and hand to do, and every decision you choose to make is to display Who God is. Your very life is to project the Holy One enthroned upon the chambers of your heart. What an awesome responsibility you and I have precious one. A responsibility we should never take lightly or shirk.

We were created in the very image of God, the mirror of His beauty and holiness. We are first and foremost to be His image bearers and our purpose is His glory in all things. Corruption is anything that mars His image and He is glorified when His image is seen. Difficult question dear one but, how much of God would others learn from your life? How is God reflected to others through you? You were designed to show Him off! What a beauty He is beloved, and what a sin it is to hide Him from a lost and dying world that so desperately needs to know Who He is. When God is unleashed in you He will be unleashed in the world. What chains are holding Him back in your life?

What a great honor God placed upon our brow when He bent near and engraved His mark of ownership upon us. To hide Him would be the gravest dishonor to His name we could ever give. Take an inventory today of your relationships, your decisions, your places of visitation, your music, your time, your money, your resources, your physical appearance, your intake, your thoughts, your words, your actions and every other part of your life and see how God is reflected in each. Would you do Him justice? If not, what adjustments do you need to make today to unleash His captivating splendor? The world is languishing to see and know the realness of God.

Clothe me with yourself today Father.

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Pearls of Grace Devotional Book

Pearls of Grace is a book of devotions for the entire year, including a read through the Bible in a year calendar, broken down for every day. Beautifully written with encouraging words of hope and empowering words of joy and strength for every woman. Pam draws from the truth and richness of God's Word and gives real life examples in her down to earth style. A must have in your library, click here for more information.

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