Pearls of Grace - February 7

February 7

Powerful Utterances

"Whoever speaks let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God…so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ to Whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen"

1 Peter 4:11

There are utterances so powerful, so holy, so full of wisdom, delivered with such unconditional love that they fall from Heaven itself. There are words that impart life and words that bring death. Speaking intentionally without fear of judgment from others, having no hidden agendas, representing God in all of His glory and giving honor to His Son is a compelling force in the life of the hearer and the speaker as well. A marvelous gift from God is the gift of words; but with every great gift comes a responsibility for the one who has received it. A gift represents the heart of the giver and should be used in the life of the recipient in such a way that it honors the one who gave it.

Resounding words from God’s heart to yours echoed from a pure heart will pour fourth living waters upon the dry and thirsty grounds. They are powerful to raise up the valleys, lift the weary traveler to the mountain top, bring comfort to the hurting heart, give peace where conflict is present, shed light upon a darkened path for the journeyman who has lost their way; give living waters to the soul that has died, and break bread from heaven to satisfy the hungry. They open the blinded eyes, pour out the forgiveness found at the feet of Jesus, restore hope in the heart of the desperate, break the fetters of the captive in order to free, calm the raging seas, secure the future, subdue the powers of darkness, quiet the roar of the lion seeking to devour, and they can summon all the might of Heaven; Utterances so powerful beloved that all other words fade into the shadows and only God is heard.

Utterances of God unveil the heart of God and raise the curtain of Jesus’ glory shinning the spotlight upon them. How often I’ve spoken a word in haste, not pausing for that moment of forethought needed to choose wisely what I should say that would represent God adequately; in a way He is worthy of. I’ve had many regretful words beloved but I’ve also had regrets for the words I didn’t speak when I should have. Our speech should be reflective of that which God Himself would speak. What would God say, what would Jesus say, what words would they choose and what heart would they express when they spoke them? These are questions that I purposefully sift my words through before speaking them, checking every motive, every emotion and especially how it will affect the hearer.

Do you speak as if it were the utterances of God beloved? Are you aware of the responsibility we have to reflect the holiness and the very heart and glory of God and of Jesus every time we speak a word? Why such a grave responsibility…because words are powerful…so very powerful. "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellences of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…" (I Peter 2:9) Choose words of life that you will stand with no shame at His coming. Choose powerful utterances!

Sift my words and pour them out like salt upon the earth.

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