Pearls of Grace - February 1

February 1

Shape Up or Ship Out

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me…"

Philippians 1:21-22

Matthew Henry said: "Father, make me fit to leave or fit to be left". Show me a heart that has embraced God’s purpose for living today and I’ll show you a life able to stand before God unashamed in the future. There is no stronger force upon the earth than that of the man or woman who has fully abandoned themselves at the feet of the Almighty with the unresolved intention of surrendering their will fully unto His. Surrender is the key that unlocks the door of power affording the soul that enters untold joy and purpose for living. We have assurance for and peace of soul even when the future is unclear because we are one with the Father not just in spirit but in will and delight. Our heart beating in perfect sync with the Lord brings life with every breath we take and confidence at every turn. It’s the purpose of our soul and it is this purpose that drives it forward but the lack of it will restrain us in the boggy places.

The apostle Paul was intent on one thing: to be pleasing to the Lord in every respect, be it living for the day at hand or death at the falling of night. He knew that fruitful living would not be found apart from purposeful living. He had a resolution of mind, body, and soul to live for Christ fully, without hesitation, reservation or preservation. Paul did not make the assurance of his preservation a pre-requisite for serving or following God; no matter where the journey would take him. Our life journeys here, no matter how difficult, are not our destination, they are but the venue God chooses to ensure we get there. This journey is not intended to be something we tolerate but, rather a labor of love and joy as we experience the fullness and absolute sufficiency of God’s grace, strength and mercy with every step we take. Don’t seek to have more days in your life but rather seek more life in your days!

Keeping our destination before us will make us ready for the journey, but if we keep the journey before us we will not be ready for the destination. Today, if you hear His voice make it the intent of your heart to be ready, either to stay and be about the Lord and His work or fit to leave and stand before the throne of God able to give an account of all your deeds. Which are you precious one? Are you ready? Are you fit? Time is but a vapor and it will vanish before our eyes. It will usher us out as quickly as it ushered us in years ago the day we were born. We all are headed to the throne of God and there to stand before the Holy One, the One Who created us for Himself to bring Him honor and glory in and through our life upon the earth; some to honor and others to dishonor.

Which one will you be? How will you be found when its’ all said and done? I pray you will hear these words with your heart: the one who has fully abandoned themselves at the feet of Jesus will have no regrets when they come to the end their course. I pray you will be found in full assurance before Him.

Make my feet swift and my heart sure to do Thy will.

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