Pearls of Grace - December 8

December 8

The Stamp of Disgrace

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."

Proverbs 14:34

Shame is Satan’s signature, and death is the ink with which it’s penned. Sin strips away the glory of a holy God when it is present in the lives of those He created to be holy. It mars a life from the form God intended it to have. Satan entices that which was created to be holy, to venture out in independence; to stray from the path God laid out. Sin breaks the very heart of God, and if Satan can get the children of God to enter into sin, he knows he can hurt the heart of God. You see, beloved, you are what Satan uses to wound the heart of God. You are his weapon of hurt and pain for the Holy One. If he can send sin into your life, and you into the life of sin, then he can bring shame and disgrace to God before the eyes of others and exalt himself.

Satan’s ultimate victory is to be exalted above God, and because he will never be able to ascend above Him, he must lower God. Sin is a disgrace, because it dethrones holiness in the lives of His creation; it lowers who God is. Satan’s signature is written in the very blood of those who have found themselves bound by the chains of guilt and shame. He gladly writes the words across their lives: "disgraceful one belonging to God." Sin was the first reason God ever mourned. The first tear shed was by the Father over His children because they sinned against Him. If God mourns over sin, then shouldn’t we? When was the last time you mourned over sin in your life? When was the last time you grieved over sin in the church? How long has it been since you wept over the sins of the world? Sin cost God the life of His Son. We’ve become tolerant and desensitized to the presence of sin.

I pray we will return any lost glory our sins have caused. I encourage you to cleanse yourself before God of any sin and turn away from all that robs God of His image upon you. Fear sin, and guard your heart.

Sign my life with the blood of Calvary keeping me pure and holy.

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