Pearls of Grace - August 23

August 23

A Thankful Heart "Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God even the Father."

Ephesians 5:20

Have you ever been out driving and extended the hand of kindness to a fellow motorist by letting them over in front of you or slowing up so they can pull out at a busy intersection only to have them speed on without so much as a hand wave of gratitude? How does that usually make you feel as the one who did the giving? Probably the word "used" comes to mind no doubt. An ungrateful heart is so unlovely isn’t? We aren’t to live a take and give later life but rather, in a give and thankful one! God wants us to be givers but He also commands us to be "thankers"! Yes I just made up a word but it fits here beautifully!

God says, listen carefully so you don’t miss it, "always give thanks for all things". He not only tells us how often we are to express gratitude, which is always, but He also tells us what we are to be thankful for. Did you see it? "all things". We are to express thanksgiving for everything, meaning nothing lacking, good or bad. We are never to be without a heart of gratitude even when found to be in circumstances we would have never chosen. A heart that expresses gratitude to the Father in the name of the Son is pleasing in the eyes of God.

God is a grateful Father to us. When we are obedient whether in giving, serving, leading etc, He pours out His blessings because He is expressing His gratitude for our obedient heart. We have a thankful Father and He created us in His image so He created us to express gratitude. God has every right to take us for granted but He chooses not to precious one. He’s too much of a gentleman. We enter His very presence with thanksgiving. Gratitude should be the announcement declaring that the child of God is coming! Always enter with a heart full of gratitude and exit bowing in grateful praise.

Today, I implore you to make a conscience effort to recognize those things for which you should be thankful for…the obvious ones such as food, clothing, shelter, job, health, children, etc. Then take a step further; a look closer and see those things that may not be at the top of your thanksgiving list. Maybe it’s a spouse that’s not what you want them to be, a job you hate, a nose you want to fix, a tummy you want tucked, a friend who disappointed you, an ailment that has you laid low for a while, a lost position or title, a tragedy or disappointment. When we choose to thank God for all things, at all times we are acknowledging this truth that, all He does is good. A heart of thanksgiving will never lack for an audience with God.

Everything You do is good because you love me.

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