Pearls of Grace - April 3

April 3

The Greatest of Falls

“…sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it,”

Genesis 4:7

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty back together again.”

A tale of an egg that had an unfortunate tumble from atop a wall!  This child’s tale is believed to be over a thousand years old and has been translated in dozens of languages.  The fate of an egg that found itself in an irreparable situation has been taught to countless little lives over the centuries.  After all, who can put back together an egg once it’s been broken?  We are pretty much left with another alternative rather than live with the mess of it. I’m sure most of us have all heard the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty growing up and even read it to our children.  Nursery rhymes have all but disappeared from the scene with this up and coming generation.  They’ve been replaced by electronic books, video games, and other animated toys.  The character of Humpty Dumpty may not be known today but his problem is still around!  We all have fallen and suffered from choices or situations that cannot be repaired from our point of view, especially if you are the egg, right?

Adam and Eve are a living picture of the Humpty Dumpty story for us. They did have a great fall and their lives were irretrievably broken into pieces.  One of Satan’s greatest deceptions is the lie that obedience can never bring happiness and fulfillment.  There is a craving within each of us to throw or shake off any and all external authorities.  We simply don’t want to submit to another’s way of thinking or plan.  We want to be our own god having the power and right to do things our way and in our own time.  Self will always conclude that it has the ability and the know how to work out its problems and doesn’t need anyone else.  Somehow it’s easier to accept that “we can” rather than the “you better not” way of thinking.

Sin is always crouching at the door of our heart and its desire is to rule.  It doesn’t want to merely enter into your life, it wants to reign in your life.  But God tells us, “You must master it”.  In other words, don’t answer the door!

When obedience loses its value, sin will take its place.

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Pearls of Grace Devotional Book

Pearls of Grace is a book of devotions for the entire year, including a read through the Bible in a year calendar, broken down for every day. Beautifully written with encouraging words of hope and empowering words of joy and strength for every woman. Pam draws from the truth and richness of God's Word and gives real life examples in her down to earth style. A must have in your library, click here for more information.

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