Pearls of Grace - April 27

April 27

Knowing What Time It Is Could Save Your Life

“Sow with a view to Righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD Until He comes to rain righteousness on you.”

Hosea 10:12

This one verse is packed with such depth of truth and challenge of soul!  Wow!  In one verse God lays out how to return to Him and how to make everything right again with Him.  This is the mercy of God because He will always provide a door of grace for the wanderer who has discovered that they cannot make it without Him.  God speaks very bluntly when He says:  “It is time to seek the LORD”.  There was a time when His mercy was still waiting on them to return to Him and repent but, that window of opportunity was now closing and they needed to act quickly.

In order for them to understand the need of the hour and what they needed to do, God paints the picture of the farmer who needs to sow his seeds because he knows that winter is coming.  I have a huge acorn tree that adorns just about the entire top of my house.  It’s majestic in its stature and its trunk reveals the many years this beautiful tree has been there.  With winter time approaching, the acorns, which are a lot, have been falling sounding almost like fire crackers at times.  It will send you jumping right out of your seat when a big rush of wind whips through.  The squirrel residents keep busy packing their jaws full of these little nuggets of food that will provide for them when they need it.

They work so hard at this because God has built in a mechanism of survival and preparedness in the season of plenty.  The squirrels know that winter is coming, a time when there will be no food available.   So, they work tirelessly so they won’t be without in months ahead.  The acorns are allowed to fall because of God’s mercy.  Sounds small, but to a squirrel it’s a big deal!  I’m reminded of God’s watchful eye and tender mercies every time I see a squirrel with jaws packed out like balloons running up their nesting tree.  I’m almost sure I heard one of them saying grace the other day! God may put down the food, but the squirrel still has to choose to gather and store it up.  It has to respond to the provision of life given by God.

God has provided us with His presence and in His presence is everything you and I will ever need.  But, we have to choose to run into His presence.  And when we have struggled along in our way for a while, He lovingly gets our attention by pulling at our heart strings with the same message. “It’s time to come back to Me.”  Have you wandered out in the desert places of living long enough?  Have you been fighting so hard to keep it altogether on your own?  Do you want peace, provision, comfort, courage and security?  Then go home…home to God.  He’s been waiting and wanting for you to come.  He’s ready to make your life whole again and renew life within you.

May your footstool bear the imprints of my knees.

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